Plenty Sweet Life

Grandma's Recipes One By One!

Bread Pudding

on January 22, 2016

Today I’m sharing a photo of my dad, and it’s a great one! It looks like he’s about 10 or 12 years old here, and does he look like he’s full of the dickens or what?!!!


He looks great because he’s so cleaned up and dressed up, but there’s something about that look in his eye. I don’t know . . . I wouldn’t trust that kid! He looks like trouble with a capital “T”! Ha! Love it! So cute!

The recipe for today was one of my dad’s favorites, and I would make it for him a lot. I think he actually taught me how to make it, but I’m sure it originally came from my other grandma because I do remember her making it also. It probably comes from living through the Great Depression when they didn’t have a lot of money and you just DIDN’T throw anything away. This has to go under Money Saving Meals even though it’s a dessert. Bread Pudding is made from saving the crusts of your loaves of bread. Every time you open a new loaf, just take the end right out, put it into a zip top freezer bag, and pop it back into the freezer until you need it. Keep adding it to it every time you start or end a loaf of bread, or have stale French bread, or whatever. In this batch, I also had some crusts that I cut off of some slices of bread from an appetizer we had at Christmas time. You can also use nice bread and let it sit out to get dry or stale if you want to, but when I make it, I like to use the crusts. It’s more economical that way. Of course, there is no recipe for this, so I’ll just type it out again here.

Here is the recipe as I made it:

Bread Pudding

Put into large bowl:

Crusts or slices of dry bread to equal about 4-6 cups, broken up into chunks

1/2 cup raisins

Mix together for custard:

4 eggs

2 cups milk

1 cup sugar

1 teaspoon cinnamon

1 teaspoon vanilla

Mix all together and put into ungreased casserole.

Bake at 350 degrees for 45 min or until custard is set.

Top with cream, whipped cream, ice cream, toasted nuts, or chocolate chips.


The ingredients are so simple and inexpensive.


Mix the custard together first and then mix them all up.


The custard makes the bread shrink, so make sure you have enough bread.


It comes out of the oven hot and steamy and crusty on top.


I think you really have to eat this warm. It really is best that way!


This is a very tasty way to use up your bread crusts. I usually keep mine to make dressing to go with our Thanksgiving turkey, but after trying this, my husband says, “not anymore”! Add the things you like to the top of this delicious dessert, and it will be your favorite, too!






3 responses to “Bread Pudding

  1. […] recipe for Rhubarb Bread Pudding comes from one of my mom’s friends. I’ve made Bread Pudding since I was in junior high school, but this one is made with rhubarb! Yay! I mean, how great is […]

  2. […] bag of bread crusts in my freezer taking up room, and I needed to get rid of it. There is always Bread Pudding to use up the crusts, or make a LOT of breadcrumbs, or save it until next Thanksgiving to use in my […]

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